Manorfield Primary School

KS1 Home Learning

Year 1

Home learning in year 1 consists reading, writing, spelling, maths and project tasks. We set home learning tasks for pupils to give them an opportunity to practice the skills, which they have learnt in school. Home learning is not for teaching new skills and we aim to only set learning which the children should be able to do independently.


We expect all children to read at home every day. This can be independent but reading aloud and reading with an adult is just as important in developing our pupils as confident readers, who enjoy reading. Children progress most effectively in their reading if they practice reading out loud every day. Reading books are sent home weekly and your child’s reading record is checked once a week in class. If your child reads six times at home, they receive a star on their bookmark. When they have filled in all of the stars on their bookmark they can choose a book as a reward to keep.


In school Year 1 children focus on their number bonds and place value. Children are also encouraged to play Times Tables rock stars at home and to complete the weekly Maths challenge which is set in the main corridor of the school.


Each curriculum project is outlined on the curriculum map. Children are encouraged to find out more about the project they are studying and bring their knowledge to class to share.


There are 100 high frequency words that children are expected to know by the end of year 1. Each week the children focus on 5 words in class. Learning read and write these words help the children with both their reading and writing work.

Each child also has their own login for Education city and are encouraged to play games from their year group at home to increase their knowledge in areas of phonics, maths and english.


Year 2

Home learning in year 2 also consists of a focus on reading, writing, spelling, maths and project tasks. We set home learning tasks for pupils to give them an opportunity to practice the skills, which they have learnt in school. Home learning is not for teaching new skills and we aim to only set learning which the children should be able to do independently.


There are 200 high frequency words that children in year 2 should know how to write and read. Each week, children will be given 10 new words to learn. These will be taken directly from the National Curriculum for year 2, unless there are spellings from previous years, which they still need to learn. As an extra challenge, children will be encouraged to apply these spellings into sentences.


We expect all children to read at home every day. This can be independent but reading aloud and reading with an adult is just as important in developing our pupils as confident readers, who enjoy reading.  Reading books are sent home weekly and your child’s reading record is checked once a week in class. If your child reads six times at home, they receive a star on their bookmark. When they have filled in all of the stars on their bookmark they can choose a book as a reward to keep.


Each curriculum project is outlined on the curriculum map. Children are encouraged to find out more about the project they are studying and bring their knowledge to class to share.


In school Year 2 children focus on their; 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Pupils will be set challenges to recall timetables facts in sequential and random orders. Children are encouraged to play Times Tables rock stars at home and to complete the weekly Maths challenge which is set in the main corridor of the school.

Each child also has their own login for Education city and are encouraged to play games from their year group at home to increase their knowledge in areas of phonics, maths and english.

Sample SAT’s papers

In the spring term the children will start to take home SAT's sample papers. There are maths, reading and grammar focuses. Study guides are given out to children in the Autumn term to help them to practice the style of questions set out in SATs papers.
