KS2 Home Learning
Year 3
Home learning in year 3 consists of reading, spelling, maths and project tasks. We set home learning tasks for pupils to give them an opportunity to practice the skills, which they have learnt in school. Home learning is not for teaching new skills and we aim to only set learning which the children should be able to do independently.
We expect all children to read at home every day. This can be independent but reading aloud and reading with an adult is just as important in developing our pupils as confident readers, who enjoy reading. Children progress most effectively in their reading if they practice reading out loud every day. Reading books are sent home weekly and your child’s reading record is checked once a week in class. If your child reads six times at home, they receive a star on their bookmark. When they have filled in all of the stars on their bookmark they can choose a book as a reward to keep. Additionally, all children are provided with a Lexia and Fiction Express login to access a range of texts and comprehension questions suitable for their age and reading ability.
Furthermore, during Achievement assembly each week, a Reading Champion is selected from each class, who is awarded a Reading Champion treasure chest which consists of a badge, bookmark and a range of specially selected books related to their project to read at home and return by the following Friday.
In school, Year 3 learn about trickier maths concepts and begin to complete more difficult calculations. The curriculum focuses on developing children’s fluency with whole numbers, place value and four fundamental maths operations. Children are encouraged to play Times Tables rock stars at home to develop their times tables skills and a Rocker of the Week is selected in our weekly Achievement Assembly, with a different focus each week related to their times tables focus.
Additionally, children are given weekly homework through their White Rose Practice Journal. The White Rose journals are closely aligned with our maths curriculum and each week they will have 3 pages to consolidate classroom learning with a bonus talk task/real-life maths activity. Furthermore, the first page in every unit has a handy page explaining the various representations used, which supports parents with helping their children at home.
Each curriculum project is outlined on the curriculum map. Children are encouraged to find out more about the project they are studying and select from one of the home learning project ideas to create a piece of work to bring and share with their class.
At the end of each term, a Bronze, Silver and Gold certificate is awarded based on children’s home learning projects.
Children have a list of statutory Year 3 and 4 spellings. Each week the children focus on a spelling rule in class and 10 spellings are given as homework each week with a spelling test weekly. Learning to read and write these words help the children with both their reading and writing.
Year 4
Home learning in year 4 also consists of a focus on reading, spelling, maths and project tasks. We set home learning tasks for pupils to give them an opportunity to practice the skills, which they have learnt in school. Home learning is not for teaching new skills and we aim to only set learning which the children should be able to do independently.
We expect all children to read at home every day. This can be independent but reading aloud and reading with an adult is just as important in developing our pupils as confident readers, who enjoy reading. Children progress most effectively in their reading if they practice reading out loud every day. Reading books are sent home weekly and your child’s reading record is checked once a week in class. If your child reads six times at home, they receive a star on their bookmark. When they have filled in all of the stars on their bookmark they can choose a book as a reward to keep.
Additionally, all children are provided with a Fiction Express login to access a range of texts suitable for their age and reading ability. Furthermore, during Achievement assembly each week, a Reading Champion is selected from each class, who is awarded a Reading Champion chest which consists of a badge, bookmark and a range of specially selected books related to their project to read at home and return by the following Friday.
In Year 4, children will continue to learn trickier maths concepts and complete calculations involving 4-digit numbers.
Children are given weekly homework through their White Rose Practice Journal. The White Rose journals are closely aligned with our maths curriculum and each week they will have 3 pages to consolidate classroom learning with a bonus talk task/real-life maths activity. Furthermore, the first page in every unit has a handy page explaining the various representations used, which supports parents with helping their children at home.
Furthermore, Year 4 children will take part in the Multiplication Times Tables check, which is a statutory assessment taken by pupils at the end of the year (in June). The MTC’s purpose is to ensure the times tables knowledge is at the expected level. A good way to prepare is to start early and build a daily routine practising the times tables through the use of Times Tables Rockstars as the format of the test is very similar to the sound check area. With regular practise children will learn develop confidence in their times tables facts. We suggest practising 10 to 15 minutes a day for optimal results.
Additionally, during our weekly Achievement Assembly, a Rocker of the Week is selected, with a different focus each week related to their times tables practice.
Each curriculum project is outlined on the curriculum map. Children are encouraged to find out more about the project they are studying and select from one of the home learning project ideas to create a piece of work to bring and share with their class.
At the end of each term, a Bronze, Silver and Gold certificate is awarded based on children’s home learning projects.
Children have a list of statutory Year 3 and 4 spellings. Each week the children focus on a spelling rule in class and 10 spellings are given as homework each week with a spelling test weekly. Learning to read and write these words help the children with both their reading and writing.