Manorfield Primary School


Curriculum Map & Knowledge Organisers

We believe that every child should leave Manorfield Primary School as a well-rounded, knowledgeable individual with a thirst for further knowledge and a love of learning.

To achieve this, we must ensure that all children have access to a broad, balanced curriculum with rich, engaging experiences.  We must also ensure that all children are given opportunities to reach age-related expectations across all subjects not just at the end of every year, but at the end of every term.

Any child who does not meet age-related expectations at any point must make accelerated progress in order to ‘catch up’.



We divide the year into 6 terms and give each half term a project which not only excites the children, but covers aspects of the National curriculum in the areas listed above. Some of our projects span more than one half term in order for our children to really get to grips with the curriculum requirements in those projects. Our curriculum map for the year is below so that you can see the range of projects we study across the different year groups.

Click the topic title below to find the home learning map, knowledge organiser and RSE map for each half term (Please use Google Chrome browser for best compatibility):





Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

2 year olds


Who Am I?

Me and my family 

What makes a rhyme?

Nursery Rhymes

Are toys real?


Can you tell a story?

Traditional Tales

What’s in the world around me?

Our garden

Where does food come from?

Fantastic Food

Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organiser

Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organiser

Curriculum Map

Curriculum Map 



Year N


What makes ‘me’ me?

All about me

Who can help us?

People who help us

What’s magic about a story?

Once upon a Time

What’s in the world around me?

Little Explorers

Are we there yet?

Transport and Travel

Kings and Queens

Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organiser

Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organiser

Curriculum Map 

Curriculum Map 

Curriculum Map 

Curriculum Map 

Year R


Where do I belong?

Journeys around the world

What’s in Space?

Lost in Space

How do we know something is real?

Dinosaur Planet 

What is a story?

Twisted Tales

How can we look after our world?

Creepy Crawlies

Under the sea - What can it be?

Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organiser

Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organiser

Curriculum Map 

 Curriculum Map

Curriculum Map 

Curriculum Map


Where do I belong?

What is a journey?

What’s in the world around me?

Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organiser

Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organiser

Curriculum Map  

Knowledge Organiser 

Curriculum Map 


What makes a community?

Where do I belong?

What’s in the world around me?

What makes a hero a hero?

Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organiser

Curriculum Map  

Knowledge Organiser

 Curriculum Map 

Curriculum Map  


What makes a community?


Is it possible to learn from difficulties?

What value does nature have?

Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organisers

Curriculum Map  

Knowledge Organiser

Curriculum Map  


What makes a community?

Are we responsible for our planet?

Is there value in everything?

 Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organisers

Curriculum Map 

Knowledge Organiser 

Curriculum Map  


What makes a community?

Is it possible for the past to shape the future?

How can we leave a lasting legacy?

What’s beyond planet Earth?

 Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organisers

Curriculum Map  

Knowledge Organiser

 Curriculum Map 

Curriculum Map  


What makes a community?

What brings magic to our lives?

Is change important?

 Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organisers

Curriculum Map  

Knowledge Organiser

Curriculum Map  


Science, RE & non-core subjects

We use the project based learning to teach the following subjects:

  • Science – all National Curriculum outcomes are covered through a range of projects.
  • We follow the Tower Hamlets syllabus for RE during each half term. In EYFS, celebrations and festivals from around the world are discussed.
  • Art and design – National Curriculum outcomes for Art & Design are covered in many of the projects. Out art teaching is supported by our Artist in Residence who works alongside teachers to enhance our teaching of Art.
  • Design and technology – National curriculum outcomes are covered in some of the projects, but also some of the science-focused projects.
  • Geography – opportunities to teach the National Curriculum geography are included in the projects.
  • History – The majority of history is covered through the history-focused projects.  The history projects enables our school to study the different time periods in British history as well as some world history.

Learning Process

Educational Visit
We aim to take every year group on an educational visit at least every half term in order to expand children’s knowledge of the project being studied and consolidate the learning that has taken place within it.


Knowledge Organisers and Dual Coding Maps

To support the retention of knowledge and to support pupils to learn technical vocabulary, all Geography, Science, DT and History units will start with a dual coding map and knowledge organiser. Click the project titles above to access a knowledge organiser for KS1 and KS2 relevant to the half term.



Our projects are designed to not only excite the children's curiosity, but cover aspects of the National curriculum in the areas listed above. Some of our projects span more than one half term in order for our pupils to retain and revisit knowledge and skills. Our curriculum map for the year can be found at the top of this page so that you can see the range of projects we study across the different year groups.
