Whilst your child is quarantining or during other hours at home, they should use the Oak Academy website https://www.thenational.academy/ and follow pupils > lessons > schedule > year group to access a variety of resources linked to children’s learning in class. The schedule is updated weekly with daily lessons provided.
Furthermore, each child has an Education City and Numbots.
Please use the links below to access these sites.
Please read with and to your child every day - there are links to stories that can be read to your child on our YouTube channel and daily phonics and HFW sessions that will also support your child's reading - see here: Manorfield YouTube Channel
Please see below for our pre-summer term activities. All of these can still be accessed and will support your child’s learning in addition to everything we have above.
Week 15
You can listen to a story read by Miss Monasterio
Today's home learning.
Today's phonics session with Miss Hulstrom
You can listen to a story read by Miss Monasterio
Remember to practise your sight words with Miss Brown
Also visit Miss Hulstrom for phonics today
You can also join Miss Monasterio for a story today.
Phonics with Miss Hulstrom
Nursery phonics with Miss Monasterio
Sight words with Miss Brown
Good Morning, here is today's home learning.
Week 14
Today's home learning.
Listen to a story today read by Miss Monasterio
Also join her for Nursery phonics
Visit YouTube today to hear a story read by Mrs Singh
Phonics for Nursery with Miss Monasterio
Reception for phonics today choose one of the sounds you need to practise with Miss Hulstrom.
Here is today's home learning.
Phonics with Miss Monasterio
Phonics with Miss Hulstrom
Good morning. Here is today's home learning set by Miss Church.
Mr Watson has also set us a science challenge.
Week 13
YouTube learning today:
Phonics with Miss Hulstrom
Phonics with Miss Monasterio
Good morning. Today's home learning is listed below.
Phonics with Miss Monasterio
Phonics with Miss Hulstrom
Sight words with Miss Brown
Remember to visit YouTube for:
Phonics with Miss Hulstrom
Sight words Miss Brown
Good morning, here is today's home learning.
Nursery rhymes with Miss Hanmore:
Nursery phonics with Miss Monasterio today:
Reception phonics with Miss Hulstrom today:
Good morning everyone.
Remember to send you work to your teacher using the class emails.
London - eylondon@manorfield.towerhamlets.sch.uk
Hanoi - eyhanoi@manorfield.towerhamlets.sch.uk
New Delhi - eynewdelhi@manorfield.towerhamlets.sch.uk
Rome - eyrome@manorfield.towerhamlets.sch.uk
Belfast - eybelfast@manorfield.towerhamlets.sch.uk
Dublin - eydublin@manorfield.towerhamlets.sch.uk
Edinburgh - eyedinburgh@manorfield.towerhamlets.sch.uk
Week 12
Today's home learning.
Head over to YouTube for:
Miss Hulstrom's phonics
Miss Monasterio's phonics
Good morning, here is today's home learning.
Sight words with Miss Brown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT9c0jAuqJI&list=PL6CpOjqB1xEuP2lssC5NYw3Q_YbyVBQyd&index=33
Reception phonics with Miss Hulstrom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNM4q6_GuSw&list=PL6CpOjqB1xEuin9fnTqn7goSYkk3ANikS&index=42
Nursery phonics with Miss Monasterio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooLWWyHoOYs&list=PL6CpOjqB1xEuin9fnTqn7goSYkk3ANikS&index=44
Good morning, here is today's home learning.
Remember to visit YouTube today to join in with these activities:
Story time with Miss Cutts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQYBc_Ta9xU&list=PL6CpOjqB1xEu5-8h4fC1L6fiABgTWpO7x&index=16
Phonics for Nursery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIbwYraaKTs&list=PL6CpOjqB1xEuin9fnTqn7goSYkk3ANikS&index=38
Sight words https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0etxss3arrU&list=PL6CpOjqB1xEuP2lssC5NYw3Q_YbyVBQyd&index=31
Good morning!
Phonics with Miss Monasterio on YouTube
Here is our curriculum learning from Miss Church.
Remember to send pictures of your work to your class teacher using the class email.
Week 11
Phonics with Miss Thomson today
Phonics with Miss Hulstrom, please revisit a sound you need to practise.
Sight words with Miss Brown
Today's home learning.
Phonics with Miss Monasterio
Phonics with Miss Hulstrom, please revisit a sound you need to practise.
Sight words with Miss Brown
Good morning everyone.
Remember to visit our YouTube channel for more activities.
Phonics with Miss Thomson
Phonics with Miss Hulstrom
Sight words with Miss Brown
Today's home learning is below.
Remember to send pictures of your work to your teacher using the class email.
Reception phonics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrtp1bVryko&list=PL6CpOjqB1xEuin9fnTqn7goSYkk3ANikS&index=34
Sight words - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MymZ-nLWLYg&list=PL6CpOjqB1xEuP2lssC5NYw3Q_YbyVBQyd&index=29
Nursery rhymes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoMnaEOYJS8&list=PL6CpOjqB1xEvx4fDYs7LhHqFVVNlSbHj8&index=4
Good morning.
Here is our curriculum learning from Miss Church.
Visit YouTube for:
Reception phonics with Miss Hulstrom.
Sight words with Miss Brown.
Week 10
Here is today's home learning.
Visit Miss Hulstrom for more phonics revision
Also why not listen to a story read by a teacher or join in with some nursery rhymes.
Here is today's home learning.
Today's home learning.
On YouTube today why not join in some nursery rhymes.
Phonics is on You Tube with Miss Monasterio for Nursery today.
Here is today's home learning.
On You Tube today:
Nursery rhymes with Miss Monasterio
Nursery phonics with Miss Monasterio
Reception Phonics with Miss Hulstrom
Good morning! Today is World Ocean's day.
Miss Church has based this weeks curriculum activities around this.
Week 9
Today's phonics for Reception is Revision 2 - Reading "th and ng"
Also Revision 2- writing "th and ng"
Good morning. Here is today's home learning.
Visit YouTube to see Phonics Revision "qu,sh,ch" sounds reading with Miss Hulstrom
and practise writing those sounds too.
Today join Miss Hanmore for song time on our YouTube channel.
Welcome back for the start of a new term.
Our new project is Journeys around the world. Here is some curriculum activities from Miss Church.
Remember to visit our YouTube channel.
Reception revisit a phonics visit with Miss Hulstrom that you found tricky.
Week 8
Week 7
Today on YouTube Miss Brown is helping us to write our sight words.
Our phonics sound is 'oi', learn to read and write words with this sound in.
Our story time is with Miss Monasterio.
Today's home learning.
Don't forget to visit our YouTube channel to see:
Miss Brown's sight words - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1AiRT7MZXY
Miss Hulstrom's phonics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jz_nZx9F-Q4
Miss Najifa reading a fantastic story - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdA8JzgCxK4
Today is National thank a teacher day. Which teacher would you like to thank?
Send us an email to tell us who.
Here is the rest of today’s home learning.
Remember to visit Miss Hulstrom for phonics today
Also join Miss Brown to practise writing your sight words
Start your day with these challenges from Miss Church.
Here is today's home learning.
Go to YouTube today to take part in
phonics with Miss Hulstrom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BHwfZ4HYVI
sight words practise with Miss Brown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdcLrOl6VZ8
story time with Miss Najifa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mv9YJlQDRiA
Week 6
Play our sight word game with Miss Brown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=579xQt2qVdA
Join Miss Hulstrom for our next phonics lesson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQ-beNuOerE
Please send your home learning to your class teacher using the email addresses below.
Your teachers will love to hear from you and see your fantastic learning.
London - eylondon@manorfield.towerhamlets.sch.uk
Hanoi - eyhanoi@manorfield.towerhamlets.sch.uk
New Delhi - eynewdelhi@manorfield.towerhamlets.sch.uk
Rome - eyrome@manorfield.towerhamlets.sch.uk
Belfast - eybelfast@manorfield.towerhamlets.sch.uk
Dublin - eydublin@manorfield.towerhamlets.sch.uk
Edinburgh - eyedinburgh@manorfield.towerhamlets.sch.uk
Nursery children please head over to YouTube to take part in phonics with Miss Thomson.
Reception remember to go to YouTube to try to beat Miss Brown at our sight words game.
While you are there visit Miss Hulstrom for phonics. I wonder what sound we will learn today.
Good morning. Here is today's home learning.
Also today try and get some exercise. You could go for a walk, a bike ride, do some cosmic yoga or join in P.E. with Joe Wickes on YouTube.
Today's phonics lesson is on YouTube, we are learning the sound 'oo'.
Also see if you can read all of Miss Brown's sight words.
Everyone head over to YouTube where Miss Cutts has a new story for you to listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2bUj_LWfdI
Reception curriculum week 6 Sight words set 7
Remember to join Miss Brown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL4JVb7RITU and Miss Hulstrom on you tube today.
Good morning and welcome to a new week of home learning.
Remember you can send work to your class teacher using your class email.
Today's phonics with Miss Hulstrom.
Remember to join Miss Brown everyday to practise writing sight words. Will you get them all right?
Week 5
Reception Reception phonics Reception phonics 2
Don't forget to join Miss Hulstrom for phonics, what sound is she teaching today?
Also see Miss Brown to practise writing your sight words.
Reception children
Miss Brown has a new challenge today.
Go and find out what she is doing.
Here is more home learning. We hope you enjoy them.
Please remember to send some of your work to your teachers using your class email.
Reception Sight words set 6 Reception writing
Today's home learning.
2 year old curriculum week 5 Nursery curriculum week 5 Reception curriculum week 5
Today for your phonics session​ please go to our you tube page and join in with Miss Hulstrom her new sound is ow.
While you are there join in with Miss Brown to learn your sight words.
You can also listen to a story read by some of our teachers.
Today for your phonics session​ please go to our you tube page.
We would like you to choose a sound that you found tricky and practise it again.
While you are there join in with Miss Brown to learn your sight wor
Here is the rest of today's home learning.
Reception reading Reception phonics Reception activities
Week 4
Don't forget to join Miss Hulstrom for phonics. Today our sound is 'igh'.
Here is the link - https://youtu.be/u9IL5HD6FA
Here is the rest of today's home learning.
Reception phonics Reception phonics
Tune into phonics with Miss Hulstrom today. Our new sound is 'ee'.
Search for it on You Tube as it was posted last week.
Reception maths Reception writing Reception Activities
Also don't forget to try play our sight word game with Miss Brown. Who will win today?
Reception children join in phonics with Miss Hulstrom on our You tube channel.
Today's sound is ay. Look for it as it was posted last week.
Also remember to practise your sight words again with Miss Brown. How many will you get right?
Everyone go to our You tube channel for your bedtime story tonight.
Which teacher will you choose to read to you?
2 year olds activities Nursery activities
Reception activities Reception maths Sight words set 5
Reception children join in phonics with Miss Hulstrom on our You tube channel. All you need is some paper and a pencil.
Today's sound is ng.
Also join in with Miss Brown to practise your sight words. How many will you get right?
Nursery children you can take part in phonics with Miss Thomson on our You tube channel as well.
2 year old curriculum week 4 Nursery curriculum week 4 Reception curriculum week 4
Nursery phonics Nursery reading Nursery activities
Reception phonics Reception reading Reception Maths Reception writing
Week 3
Here is today's home learning.
Nursery phonics EYFS activities
Nursery phonics EYFS activities
Reception phonics Reception writing
Please check out Numbots, try the maths activities including counting, altogether and addition.
The link is at the bottom of the page. Give it a go!
EYFS activities Nursery phonics
Here is the rest of today's home learning.
Nursery phonics EYFS activities Maths
Sight words set 4 Sight words activities
Good morning! Here is todays learning, including our curriculum activities from Miss Church.
2 year old curriculum week 3 Nursery curriculum week 3 Reception curriculum week 3
Nursery reading Reception reading
Nursery phonics Reception phonics
Week 2
2 year old activities EYFS activities
Today's home learning.
Here is today's home learning, including curriculum activities from Miss Church.
2 year old curriculum week 2 Nursery curriculum week 2 Reception curriculum week 2
Reading for Reception. You can now access your child's levelled reading books. Follow the instructions in the link.
Here are today's activities.
Here are some new activities to try.
Nursery phonics and reading Reception phonics and reading
Also try to keep active and have fun with dances and games at GoNoodle.
Week 1
Here is some Easter activities along with some others to keep you busy.
Today's activities are listed below. As Easter approaches we can learn all about it.
Here is today's home learning.
Remember to also continue to use Numbots, Education City and Phonics Play to support your children's learning.
Maths EYFS activities Sight word activities
Here are some fantastic ideas to keep you busy today.
Reception reading Sight words set 2
Also why not tune into cbeebies and listen to a bedtime story together.
Here is today's home learning including some project work set by Miss Church.
Nursery phonics and reading Reception phonics and reading
2 year old curriculum week 1 Nursery curriculum week 1 Reception curriculum week 1
Here are some new activities to try.
Also engage your child in daily household activities where they can learn new skills and language.
Remember to stay active, take a walk, go for a bike ride or a run.
Nursery phonics Reception phonics and writing Reading
Maths activities EYFS activities
Here are some activities for you to try at home with your children to keep them busy and engaged!
The most important thing is to have FUN!!
EYFS activities Maths activities Nursery phonics Reception writing Sight words
Nursery_home_learning_-_27_03_20 Word DocumentNursery_home_learning_-_27_03_20 PDF
Reception_home_learning_-_27_03_20 Word DocumentReception_home_learning_-_27_03_20 PDF
Stay active try some cosmic yoga today. Yoga moves set to a story. Give it a go!
Cosmic Kids Yoga
Please visit these websites to support your child with their online learning. Please check this area regularly for updates.