Mr Plews' Treasure Trove 
Welcome to a weekly treasure trove of activities for you to work on at home!
Post your work on Twitter and tag @ManorfieldPri
Week 6
Task 1: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Can you recall the events of the story? What happened in the beginning? The middle? The end? What happens to a caterpillar as it grows? What does it turn into?
Your task is to describe the lifecycle of a caterpillar. Draw the four images and write a sentence explaining what happens.
Task 2: Caterpillar pattern
What pattern does a caterpillar have? Your task is to create your own caterpillar and make your own pattern. Continue and repeat this. Can you explain your pattern?
Task 3: Caterpillar Lunch
Create your own caterpillar lunch. Write a set of instructions including a step by step.
Remember to upload a picture of your wonderful work and tag us on
twitter @ManorfieldPri so we can all see it!
Week 5
Task 1: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Can you recall the days of the week? What did the hungry caterpillar eat? What happened at the beginning? What happened at the end? What was your favourite part?
Your task is to create a caterpillar and sequence the events of the story day by day. Retell the story using your caterpillar go help.
Task 2: July 4th
Where is America in the world? What do you know about the USA? Who is the president? On the 4th July, the USA celebrate their independence by having a holiday, taking part in fun activities, eating food, dressing up and lighting fireworks.
Your task is to create a 4th July sparkle bottle. Use the colours of the USA flag and don’t forget the stars. Using a dish washer brush, straws or fork, create some firework painting to celebrate the occasion.
Extra tasks this week!
Create a 4th July snack or invent your own. Follow the links for some recipes.
Remember to upload a picture of your wonderful work and tag us on
twitter @ManorfieldPri so we can all see it!
Week 4
Task 1: Handa’s Surprise
Listen to Handa's Surprise
Who is Handa? Where is she from? Where is the story set? What do you know about the place?
What happened in the story? What happened in the beginning? What happened at the end? Can you recall any fruit or animals?
Your task is to create a story map of Handa’s surprise, showing her journey. You need to create actions for each step of your story and present to someone at home.
Task 2: Handa’s Basket
What did Handa have in her basket? Can you name the fruits? Have you tasted them before?
Think back to your story about Kitchen Disco, are there any fruits in both stories? Your task is to create Handa’s basket and include the fruits.
You can create your own basket, paint the fruits, or use a paper plate to represent Handa’s basket.
Extra tasks this week!
How many fruits were in the basket at the beginning?
What happened at the end? What was in the basket? How did it get there?
Using one of Handa’s fruits or more, create a Handa’s surprise fruit smoothie. You can even add some of you own ingredients. Write up your recipe and include the ingredients list. Cut your fruits, add some ice and water or milk. Blend together and taste.
Remember to upload a picture of your wonderful work and tag us on
twitter @ManorfieldPri so we can all see it!
Week 3
Task 1: Mr Wolf’s pancakes
Listen to Mr Wolf’s pancakes.
Who is the main character? What does he make? Why did he have to go to the shop?
Your task is to make your own Mr Wolf pancakes. Can you write a recipe for Mr Wolf. What ingredients does he need? How much will it cost? How will he make it? How long does it take to make?
Task 2: Everywhere Babies
Everywhere Babies is a children's picture book written by Susan Meyers and illustrated by Marla Frazee, which tells a story about babies doing what babies do best – being themselves!
What kinds of things do the babies do in the story?
How do parents show love for their babies?
Your task is to get a baby photo of you- How have you changed? Create a self-portrait of yourself now and compare the difference
Remember to upload a picture of your wonderful work and tag us on
twitter @ManorfieldPri so we can all see it!
Week 2
Task 1: Water Pollution
The ocean is being ruined by pollution. Would you throw rubbish on the floor? Would you like your bedroom filled up with rubbish? Of course not, the ocean is home to many animals- we need to protect them. Your task is to encourage people to save the oceans and protect the animals from the polluted ocean by creating a poster. Is this good for the animals? What can we do to help and to stop this from happening? What will happen if we do not stop?
Task 2: Kitchen Disco
Revisit the story Kitchen Disco. What do you know about the characters? What are they? Can you name them all? Have you tasted them? Did you like it?
Your task is to sort all the fruit into three groups; Fruit I like, Fruit I dislike, and Fruit I have not tasted.
Create a chart so you can draw and label the images.
Challenge - Complete the sentences below.
I like the fruit …….. because it is……….
I dislike the fruit ……… because it is ………..
I would like to taste the fruit ……… because I think………..
If possible, take a picture of your wonderful work and tag us on
twitter @ManorfieldPri so we can all see it!
Week 1
Task 1: Little Chefs
What do you need to cook? What should you do before you cook? (wash your hands and wear an apron)
What is your favourite meal and why? Draw an image of your favourite meal and write any ingredients you know. Ask your parents if you can help make a meal or snacks practicing your key skills- mixing, cutting, spreading, sprinkling.
Host a picnic serving your food to your family or toys. Ask them did they like it? What was their favourite?
Here are some ideas and cooking videos:
No cooking required recipes:
Task 2: Kitchen Disco
Listen to the story, Kitchen Disco.
Can you name the fruits? Which one is your favourite and why?
Create your own Kitchen Disco, make your characters to retell the story. If you do not have any fruit or art and crafts, use recycled materials or draw your characters.
Play some tunes and host your own Kitchen Disco!