Manorfield Primary School

Personal, social and health education (PSHE), including Relationship and health education

Subject Vision:

At Manorfield we encourage all children to become healthy, responsible, and well-rounded individuals who recognise, value and celebrate difference. Learning through 6 key units (connecting puzzle pieces) we will enable our children to grow into valued citizens that will contribute in a meaningful way to an ever changing society.

Our PSHE and RSE curriculum hopes to provide children with knowledge and skills that will help them make informed decisions around their wellbeing, health and relationships as they to grow into young people and beyond. This closely aligns with our P4C curriculum in which supports emotional literacy and critical thinking skills, which are embedded in the Jigsaw curriculum.

By following the Jigsaw curriculum we ensure that PSHE lessons are planned in a spiral progression to ensure that children are building on previous learning therefore they able to know more and remember more. Jigsaw is a whole school approach taught by Class Teachers from Years 1 to 6.

We follow the Jigsaw curriculum to plan and implement our PSHE lessons however we have tailored some aspects of the learning to suit the needs of our children. Changes that we have made are that children begin to learn about Puberty in Year 4 instead of Year 3.

Year 6 Parents have the option to opt out of the conception lesson, please speak with your child's class teacher to arrange an appointment with an Assistant Head Teacher.


Click here for our PSHE progression of knowledge and skills document

Click here for our Relationship and Sex Education Policy
