Manorfield Primary School

How do we ensure progress and share this with parents?


SEND Pupil Progress Meetings

We have robust tracking systems for monitoring the progress of all our pupils, including those with SEND. Pupil progress conferences are held termly. These conferences are preceded by a meeting between the class teacher and SEND Leader, at which action is planned to address any lack of progress identified. The SEND register for each class is also reviewed during these meetings, confirming that all information is correct and up to date. These meetings also ensure early identification of any additional needs. Progress of SEND pupils is closely analysed and reported to Governors on a termly basis.


The ‘assess-plan-do-review’ cycle ensures that we match provision closely to each child’s needs and that we respond quickly to any evidence of inadequate progress.


Inclusion Meetings

To ensure that all children’s well-being remains a high priority amongst key people in the school, we hold termly Inclusion Meetings. These include the Assistant Head Teacher for each phase, the SEND Leader and the School’s Safeguarding Lead, with contributions from other professionals included when deemed appropriate. As part of this discussion, the welfare, attendance, medical needs as well as the behavioural and special needs of children causing concern are discussed, with appropriate actions agreed and reviewed.


Parent Meetings

Parents are welcome to contact the Class Teacher or the SEND Leader at any time to discuss concerns they have around their child’s learning or well-being. For some children it is beneficial to review this progress more formally and set targets to track this progress. This will be done through termly SEND Review Meetings to include the parents/carers, class teachers and SEND Leader. In this meeting, Pupil Passports will be reviewed and discussed.


Pupil Passports

Pupil passports highlight children’s strengths and motivators, as well as providing the best ways to support and communicate with a child. These are agreed and shared with parents, as well as every professional working with the child.


Annual Reviews

For children with an EHCP, one of the SEND Review Meetings mentioned above will be replaced by an Annual Review. During this meeting, parents/carers, class teachers and the SEND Leader, as well as all other professionals involved in the child’s education, will collaborate to review the child’s EHCP and Pupil Passport, setting targets for the coming year.

